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Yan N, Regalado-Magdos, AD, Stiggelbout B, Lee-Kirsch MA, Lieberman J. The cytosolic exonuclease TREX1 inhibits the innate immune response to human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Nat Immunol 2010;11:1005-13.


Niland B, Miklossy G, Banki K, Biddison WE, Casciola-Rosen L, Rosen A, Martinvalet D, Lieberman J, Perl A. Cleavage of transaldolase by granzyme B causes the loss of enzymatic activity with retention of antigenicity for multiple sclerosis patients. J Immunol 2010;184:4025-32.


Thiery J, Walch M, Jensen DK, Martinvalet D, Lieberman J. Isolation of cytotoxic T cell and NK granules and purification of their effector proteins. Curr Protoc Cell Biol 2010 Jun;Chapter 3:Unit3.37:1-29.


Thiery J, Keefe D, Saffarian S, Martinvalet D, Walch M, Boucrot E, Kirchhausen T, Lieberman J. Perforin activates clathrin and dynamin-dependent endocytosis, which is required for plasma membrane repair and delivery of granzyme B for granzyme-mediated apoptosis. Blood 2010;115:1582-93.


Chan MC, Hilyard AC, Wu C, Davis BN, Hill NS, Lal A, Lieberman J, Lagna G, Hata A. molecular basis for antagonism between PDGF and TGFb-family signaling pathways by control of miR-24 expression. EMBO J 2010;29:559-73. 


Thomas MP, Lieberman J, Lal A. Desperately seeking microRNA targets. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2010;17:1169-74.


Lieberman J. Master of the cell. The Scientist 2010;24:43-8.


Navarro F, Lieberman J. Small RNAs guide hematopoietic cell differentiation and function. J Immunol 2010;184:5939-47.


Lieberman J. Granzyme A activates another way to die. Immunol Rev 2010;235:93-104.


Lieberman J. Anatomy of a murder: how cytotoxic T cells and NK cells are activated, develop and eliminate their targets. Immunol Rev 2010;235:5-9.11(3):e00485


Huang L, Deighan P, Jin J et al. Tombusvirus p19 captures RNase III-cleaved double-stranded RNAs formed by overlapping sense and antisense transcripts in E. coli. bioRxiv 2009 Jun; 11:e00485.


Dykxhoorn DM, Wu Y, Xie H, Yu F, Lal A, Petrocca F, Martinvalet D, Song E, Lim B, Lieberman J. miR-200 enhances breast cancer cell colonization to form distant metastases. PLoS One 2009;4:e7181.


Martinvalet D, Walch M, Jensen DK, Thiery J, Lieberman J. Granzyme A: cell death-inducing protease, pro-inflammatory agent or both? Blood 2009;114:3969-70.


Lal A, Navarro F, Maher C, Maliszewski LE, Yan N, O'Day E, Chowdhury D, Dykxhoorn DM, Tsai P, Hofman O, Becker KG, Gorospe M, Hide W, Lieberman J. miR-24 inhibits cell proliferation by targeting E2F2, MYC and other cell cycle genes by binding to "seedless" 3'UTR microRNA recognition elements. Mol Cell 2009;35:610-25.


Navarro F, Gutman D, Meire E, Caceres M, Rigoutsos I, Bentwich Z, Lieberman J. miR-34a contributes to megakaryocyte differentiation of K562 cells independently of p53. Blood 2009;114:2181-92.


Zhu P, Martinvalet D, Chowdhury D, Zhang D, Schlesinger A, Lieberman J. The cytotoxic T lymphocyte protease granzyme A cleaves and inactivates poly-(adenosine 5'-diphosphate-ribose) polymerase-1. Blood 2009;114:1205-16.


Ahmed F, Friend S, George TC, Barteneva N, Lieberman J. Numbers matter: quantitative and dynamic analysis of the formation of an immunological synapse using imaging flow cytometry. J Immunol Methods 2009;347:79-86.


Lal A, Pan Y, Navarro F, Dykxhoorn DM, Moreau L, Lieberman J, Chowdhury D. miR-24-mediated down-regulation of H2AX suppresses DNA repair in terminally differentiated cells. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2009;16:492-8.


Yan N, Cherepanov P, Daigle JE, Engelman A, Lieberman J. The SET complex acts as a barrier to autointegration of HIV-1. PLoS Pathog 2009;5:e1000327.


Wu Y, Navarro F, Lal A, Basar E, Pandey RK, Manoharan M, Feng Y, Lee SJ, Lieberman J, Palliser D. Durable protection from herpes simplex virus-2 transmission following intravaginal application of siRNAs targeting both a viral and host gene. Cell Host Microbe 2009;5:84-94.


Lieberman J. Micromanaging cancer. New Engl J Med 2009 Oct 8;361(15):1500-1.


Petrocca F, Lieberman J. Micromanipulating cancer: microRNA-based therapeutics? RNA Biol 2009;6:335-40.


Glimcher LH, Lieberman J. Harvard's women four years later. Nat Immunol 2009;10:559-61.


Petrocca F, Lieberman J. Micromanagers of immune cell fate and function. Adv Immunol 2009;102:227-44.


Shun M-C, Botbol Y, Li X, Di Nunzio F, Daigle JE, Yan N, Lieberman J, Lavigne M, Engelman A. Identification and characterization of PWWP domain residues critical for LEDGF/p75 chromatin binding and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infectivity. J Virol 2008;82:11555-7.


Dykxhoorn DM, Chowdhury D, Lieberman J. RNA interference and cancer: endogenous pathways and therapeutic approaches. Adv Exp Med Biol 2008;615:299-329.


Ranjbar S, Tsytsykova AV, Lee SK, Rajsbaum R, Falvo JV, Lieberman J, Shankar P, Goldfeld A. NFAT5 regulates HIV-1 in primary monocytesvia a highly conserved LTR site. PLoS Pathog 2006;2:1176-86.


Chowdhury D, Beresford PJ, Zhu P, Zhang D, Sung J-S, Demple B, Perrino F, Lieberman J. The exonuclease TREX1 is in the SET complex and acts in concert with NM23-H1 to degrade DNA during granzyme A-mediated cell death. Mol Cell 2006;23:133-42.


Dykxhoorn DM, Xchlehuber LD, London IM, Lieberman J. Determinants of specific RNA interference-mediated human β-globin alleles differing by a single nucleotide polymorphism. Proc Natl Acad USA 2006;103:5953-8.


Zhu P, Zhang D, Chowdhury D, Martinvalet D, Keefe D, Shi L, Lieberman J. Granzyme A, which causes single-stranded DNA damage, targets the double-strand break Rrepair protein Ku 70. EMBO Rep 2006;7:431-7.


Keogh M-C, Kim J-A, Downey M, Fillingham J, Chowdhury D, Harrison JC, Onishi M, Datta N, Galicia S, Emili A, Lieberman J, Shen X, Buratowski S, Haber JE, Durocher D, Greenblatt JF, Krogan NJ. A phosphatase complex that dephosphorylates γH2AX regulates DNA damage checkpoint recovery. Nature 2006;439:497-501.


Palliser D, Chowdhury D, Wang Q-Y, Lee SJ, Boronson RT, Knipe DM, Lieberman J. An siRNA-based microbicide protects mice from lethal herpes simplex virus 2 infection. Nature 2006;439:89-94.


Dykxhoorn DM, Lieberman J. Knocking down disease with siRNAs. Cell 2006;123:231-5.


Dykxhoorn DM, Lieberman J. Silencing viral infection. PLoS Med 2006;3:1000-4.


Dykxhoorn DM, Lieberman J. Running interference: prospects and obstacles to using small interfering RNAs as small molecule drugs. Ann Rev Biomed Eng 2006;8:15.1-15.26.


Dykxhoorn DM, Palliser D, Lieberman J. The silent treatment: siRNAs as small molecule drugs. Gene Ther 2006;13:541-52.


Chowdhury D, Keogh MC, Ishii H, Peterson CL, Buratowski S, Lieberman J. γ-H2AX Dephosphorylation by protein phosphatase 2A facilitates DNA double strand break repair. Mol Cell 2005;20:801-9.


Keefe D, Shi L, Feske S, Massol R, Navarro F, Kirchhausen T, Lieberman J. Perforin triggers a plasma membrane-repair response that facilitates CTL induction of apoptosis. Immunity 2005;23:249-62.


Song E, Zhu P, Lee S-K, Chowdhury D, Kussman S, Dykxhoorn DM, Feng Y, Palliser D, Weiner DB, Shankar P, Marasco WA, Lieberman J. Antibody mediated in vivo delivery of small interfering RNAs via cell-surface receptors. Nat Biotechnol 2005;9:347-51.


Feng H, Zhang D, Palliser D, Zhu P, Cai S, Schlesinger A, Maliszewski L, Lieberman J. Listeria-infected myeloid dendritic cells produce interferon-β, priming T cell activation. J Immunol 2005;175:421-32.


Lee S-K, Dykxhoorn DM, Kumar P, Ranjbar S, Song E, Maliszewski L, Francois-Bongarçon V, Goldfeld AE, Swamy MN, Lieberman J, Shankar P. Lentiviral delivery of short hairpin RNAs protects CD4 T cells from multiple clades and primary isolates of HIV-1. Blood 2005;106:818-86.


Liu L, Xu Z, Fuhlbrigge RC, Pena-Cruz V, Lieberman J, Kupper TS. Vaccina virus induces strong immunoregulatory cytokine production in normal human epidermal keratinocytes - a novel strategy for immune evasion. J Virol 2005;79:7363-70.


Shi L, Keefe D, Durand E, Feng H, Lieberman J. Granzyme B binds to target cells mostly by charge and must be added at the same time as perforin to trigger apoptosis. J Immunol 2005;174:5456-61.


Martinvalet D, Zhu P, Lieberman J. Granzyme A induces caspase-independent mitochondrial damage, a required first step for apoptosis. Immunity 2005;22:355-70.


Xue Y, Johnson JS, Ornelles DA, Lieberman J, Engel DA. Adenovirus protein VII functions throughout early phase and interacts with cellular proteins SET and pp32. J Virol 2005;79:2474-83.


Komaroff AL, Lieberman J. Silencing bad genes. In Newsweek special edition, "The future of medicine: your health in the 21st century" 2005;51-2.


Shankar P, Manjunath N, Lieberman J. The prospect of silencing disease using RNA interference. JAMA 2005;293:1367-73.


Dykxhoorn D, Lieberman J. The silent revolution: RNA interference as basic biology, research tool and therapeutic. Ann Rev Med 2005;56:401-23.


Shankar P, Lieberman J. RNA interference and HIV: from here to therapy. In "HIV chemotherapy: a critical review." S. Butera, ed. Horizon Scientific Press 2005;261-80.


Francois-Bongarçon V, Feng Y, Lee S-K, Chen G, Shankar P, Liu Y, Tao X, Shao Y, Lieberman J. Cross-clade CD8 T cell responses to HIV IIIB and Chinese B' and C/B' viruses in North America and Chinese HIV seropositive donors. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2004;37:1435-44.


Hamar P, Song E, Kokeny G, Chen A, Ouyang N, Lieberman J. Small interfering RNA targeting Fas protects mice against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Proc Natl Acad USA 2004;101:14883-8.


Ince MN, Harnisch B, Xu Z, Lee S-K, Lange C, Moretta L, Lederman M, Lieberman J. Increased expression of the natural killer cell inhibitory receptor CD85j/ILT2 on antigen specific effector CD8 T cells and its impact on CD8 T cell function. Immunology 2004;112:531-42.


Lange CG, Xu Z, Patterson BK, Medvik K, Harnisch B, Asaad R, Valdez H, Lee SJ, Landay A, Lieberman J, Lederman MM. Proliferation responses to HIVp24 durign ART do not reflect improved immune phenotype or function. AIDS 2004;18:605-13.


Song E, Stern P, Palliser D, Van Parijs L, Lieberman J. RNA interference in animal models. In "Gene silencing by RNA interference: technology and application." M. Sohail, ed. London: CRC Press 2004;299-321.


Burton DR, Desrosiers RC, Doms RW, Feinberg MB, Hahn B, Hoxie JA, Hunter E, Korber B, Landay A, Lederman MM, Lieberman J, McCune JM, Moore JP, Nathanson N, Picker L, Richman D, Rinaldo C, Stevenson M, Watkins DI, Wolinsky SM, Zack JA. Response to support for the RV144 HIV vaccine trial. Science 2004;305:178-9.


Burton DR, Desrosiers RC, Doms RW, Feinberg MB, Gallo RC, Hahn B, Hoxie JA, Hunter E, Korber B, Landay A, Lederman MM, Lieberman J, McCune JM, Moore JP, Nathanson N, Picker L, Richman D, Rinaldo C, Stevenson M, Watkins DI, Wolinsky SM, Zack JA. Policy forum: a sound rationale needed for phase III HIV-1 vaccine trials. Science 2004;303-16.


Lieberman J. Tracking the killers: how should we measure CD8 T cells in HIV infection? AIDS 2004; 8:1489-93.


Wan J, Martinvalet D, Ji X, Lois C, Kaech SM, Von Andrian UH, Lieberman J, Ahmed R, Manjunath N. The Bcl-2 family pro-apoptotic molecule, BNIP-3 regulates activation-induced cell death of effector cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Immunology 2003;110:10-7.


De Groot AS, Jesdale B, Martin W, Saint Aubin C, Sbai H, Bosma A, Lieberman J, Skowron G, Mansourati F, Mayer KH. Mapping cross-clade HIV-1 vaccine epitopes using a bioinformatics approach. Vaccine 2003;21:4486-504.


Song E, Lee S-K, Dykxhoorn DM, Novina C, Zhang D, Crawford K, Cerny J, Sharp PA, Lieberman J, Manjunath N, Shankar P. Sustained small interfering RNA-mediated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 inhibition in primary macrophages. J Virol 2003;77:7174-81.


Kushner, N, Zhang D, Touzijian N, Essex M, Lieberman J, Lu Y. A fragment of anthrax lethal factor delivers proteins to the cytosol without requiring protective antigen. Proc Natl Acad USA 2003;100:6652-7.


Fan Z, Beresford PJ, Oh DY, Zhang D, Lieberman J. Tumor suppressor NM23-H1 is a granzyme A-activated DNase during CTL mediated apoptosis, and the nucleosome assembly protein SET is its inhibitor. Cell 2003;112:659-72.


Gu X, Laour A, Wan J, Daheshia M, Lieberman J, Yokohama WM, Katz HR, Manjunath N. The gp49B1 inhibitory receptor regulates the IFN-γ responses of T cells and NK cells. J Immunol 2003;170:4095-101.


Song E, Lee S-K, Wang J, Ince N, Ouyuang N, Min J, Chen J, Shankar P, Lieberman J. RNA interference targeting fas protects mice from fulminant hepatitis. Nat Med 2003;9:347-51.


Geiben-Lynn R, Kursar M, Brown NV, Addo MM, Shau H, Lieberman J, Luster AD, Walker BD. HIV-1 antiviral activity of recombinant natural killer cell enhancing factors, NKEF-A and NKEF-B, members of the peroxiredoxin family. J Biol Chem 2003;278:1569-74.


Fan Z, Beresford PJ, Zhang D, Xu Z, Novina CD, Yoshida A, Pommier Y and Lieberman J. Cleaving the oxidative repair protein Ape 1 enhances cell death mediated by granzyme A. Nat Immunol 2003;4:145-53.


Zhang D, Shankar P, Xu Z, Harnisch B, Chen G, Lange C, Lee SJ, Valdez H, Lederman MM, Lieberman J. Most antiviral CD8 T cells during chronic viral infection do not express high levels of perforin and are not directly cytotoxic. Blood 2003; 101:226-235.


Lieberman J, Song E, Lee S-K, Shankar P. Interfering with disease: opportunities and roadblocks to harnessing RNA interference. Trends Mol Med 2003;9:397-403.


Lieberman J, Fan Z. Nuclear war: The granzyme A-bomb. Curr Opin Immunol 2003;15:553-9.


Lieberman J. Mechanisms of granule-mediated cytotoxicity. Editorial overview. Curr Opin Immunol 2003;15:513-5.


Lieberman J. The ABCs of granule-mediated cytotoxicity: new weapons in the arsenal. Nat Rev Immunol 2003;3:361-70.


Lee SK, Xu Z, Lieberman J, Shankar P. The functional CD8 T cell response to HIV becomes type-specific in progressive disease. J Clin Invest 2002;110:1339-47.


Novina CD, Murray MF, Dykxhoorn DM, Beresford PJ, Riess J, Lee S-K, Collman RG, Lieberman J, Shankar P, Sharp PA. siRNA-directed inhibition of HIV-1 infection. Nat Med 2002;8:681-6.


Fan Z, Beresford PJ, Zhang D, Lieberman J. HMG2 interacts with the nucleosome assembly protein SET and is a target of the cytotoxic T lumphocyte protease granzyme A. Mol Cell Biol 2002;22:2810-20.


Lieberman J. Defying death - HIV mutates to evade cytotoxic T lymphocyte recognition. New Engl J Med 2002;347:1203-4.


Lieberman J, Manjunath N and Shankar P. Avoiding the kiss of death: how HIV and other chronic viruses survive. Curr Opin Immunol 2002;14:478-86.


Lieberman J, Shankar P, Manjunath N and Andersson J. HIV infection of CD8 T cells: a factor in progressive immunodeficiency? Blood 2002;99:1877. 


Lieberman J, Frankel FR. Engineered Listeria monocytogenes as an AIDS vaccine. Vaccine 2002;20:2007-10.


Beresford PJ, Zhang D, Oh DY, Fan Z, Greer EL, Russo ML, Jaju M, Lieberman J. Granzyme A activates an endoplasmic reticulum-associated caspase-independent nuclease to induce single-stranded DNA nicks. J Biol Chem 2001;276:43285-93.


Manjunath N, Shankar P, Wan J, Weninger W, Crowley MA, Hieshima K, Springer TA, Fan X, Shen H, Lieberman J, von Andrian UH. Effector differentiation is not prerequisite for generation of memory cytotoxic T lymphocytes. J Clin Invest 2001;108:871-8. 


Chen G, Shankar P, Lange C, Valdez H, Skolnik PR, Wu L, Manjunath N, Lieberman J. CD8 T cells specific for human immunodeficiency virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and cytomegalovirus lack molecules for homing to lymphoid sites of infection. Blood 2001;98:156-64. 


Sharif-Askari E, Alam A, Rheaume E, Beresford PJ, Scotto C, Sharma K, Lee D, DeWolf WE, Nuttal ME, Lieberman J, Sekaly R-P. Direct cleavage of the human DNA fragmentation factor-45 by granzyme B induces caspase-activated DNase release and DNA fragmentation. EMBO J 2001;20:3101-13.


Zhang D, Beresford PJ, Greenberg AH, Lieberman J. Granzymes A and B directly cleave lamins and disrupt the nuclear lamina during granule-mediated cytolysis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001;98:5746-51.


Zhang D, Pasternack MS, Beresford PJ, Wagner L, Greenberg AH, Lieberman J. Induction of rapid histone degradation by the cytotoxic T lymphocyte protease granzyme A. J Biol Chem 2001;276:3683-90.


Lieberman J, Shankar P, Manjunath N, Andersson J. Dressed to kill? A review of why antiviral CD8 T lymphocytes fail to prevent progressive immunodeficiency in HIV-1 infection. Blood 2001;98:1667-77.


Friedman RS, Frankel FR, Xu Z, Lieberman J. Induction of Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific CD8 T-cell responses by Listeria monocytogenes and a hyperattenuated Listeria strain engineered to express HIV antigens. J Virol 2000;74:9987-93.

Shankar P, Russo M, Harnisch B, Patterson M, Skolnik P, Lieberman J. Impaired function of circulating HIV-specific CD8+ T cells in chronic human immunodeficiency virus infection. Blood 2000;96:3094-101.

Trimble LA, Shankar P, Patterson M, Daily JP, Lieberman L. Human immunodeficiency virus-specific circulating CD8 T lymphocytes have down-modulated CD3zeta and CD28, key signaling molecules for T cell activation. J Virol 2000;74:7320-30.

Trimble LA, Kam LW, Friedman RS, Xu Z, Lieberman L. CD3zeta and CD28 down-modulation on CD8 T cells during viral infection. Blood 2000;96:1021-9.

Lu Y, Friedman RS, Kushner N, Doling A, Thomas L, Touzjian N, Starnbach M, Lieberman J. Genetically modified anthrax lethal toxin safely delivers whole HIV protein antigens into the cytosol to induce T cell immunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000;97:8027-32.

Mackewicz CE, Lieberman J, Froelich C, Levy JA. HIV virions and HIV infection in vitro are unaffected by human granzymes A and B. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2000;16:367-72.

Lieberman J. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte adoptive immunotherapy for HIV infection. In Cytotoxic cells: Basic mechanisms and medical applications; edited by Henkart PA, Sitkovsky MV. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2000;441-457. 


Lori F, Jessen H, Lieberman J, Finzi D, Rosenberg E, Tinelli C, Walker B, Siliciano RF, Lisziewicz J. Treatment of human immunodeficiency virus infection with hydroxyurea, didanosine, and a protease inhibitor before seroconversion is associated with normalized immune parameters and limited viral reservoir. J Infect Dis 1999;180:1827-32. 

Manjunath N, Shankar P, Stockton B, Dubey PD, Lieberman J, von Andrian UH. A transgenic mouse model to analyze CD8+ effector T cell differentiation in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1999;96:13932-37.

Lori F, Rosenberg E, Lieberman J, Foli A, Maserati R, Seminari E, Alberici F, Walker B, Lisziewicz J. Hydroxyurea and didanosine long-term treatment prevents HIV breakthrough and normalizes immune parameters. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1999;15:1333-8. 

Shankar P, Xu Z, Lieberman J. Viral-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes lyse HIV-infected primary T lymphocytes by the granule exocytosis pathway. Blood 1999;94:3084-93. 

Andersson J, Behbahani H, Lieberman J, Connick E, Landay A, Patterson B, Sonnerborg A, Lore K, Uccini S, Fehniger TE. Perforin is not co-expressed with granzyme A within cytotoxic granules in CD8 T lymphocytes present in lymphoid tissue during chronic HIV infection. AIDS 1999;13:1295-1303.

Lori F, Jessen H, Lieberman J, Clerici M, Tinelli C, Lisziewicz J. Immune restoration by combination of a cytostatic drug (hydroxyurea) and anti-HIV drugs (didanosine and indinavir). AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1999;15:619-24. 

Beresford PJ, Xia Z, Greenberg AH, Lieberman J. Granzyme A loading induces rapid cytolysis and a novel form of DNA damage independently of caspase activation. Immunity 1999;10:585-94.

Lisziewicz J, Rosenberg E, Lieberman J, Jessen H, Lopalco L, Siliciano R, Walker B, Lori F. Control of HIV despite the discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy. New Engl J Med 1999;340:1683-4. 


Trimble LA, Xu Z, Lieberman J. Clonal expansion of antigen-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes is regulated by late exposure to serum to prevent apoptosis. J Immunol Meth 1999;225:39-52.

Lieberman J, Trimble LA, Friedman RS, Lisziewicz J, Lori F, Shankar P, Jessen H. Expansion of CD57 and CD62L-CD45RA+ CD8 T lymphocytes correlates with reduced viral plasma RNA after primary HIV infection. AIDS 1999;13:891-9. 

MacDonald G, Shi L, Vande Velde C, Lieberman J, Greenberg AH. Mitochondria-dependent and -independent regulation of granzyme B-induced apoptosis. J Exp Med 1999;189:131-43. 


Shankar P, Sprang H, Lieberman J. Effective lysis of HIV-1 infected primary CD4+ T cells by a cytotoxic T lymphocyte clone directed against a novel A2-restricted reverse-transcriptase epitope. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 1998; 19:111-20.

Beresford PJ, Jaju M, Friedman RS, Yoon MJ, Lieberman J. A role for heat shock protein 27 in CTL-mediated cell death. J Immunol 1998;161:161-7.

Xia Z, Kam CM, Huang C, Powers JC, Mandle RJ, Stevens RL, Lieberman J. Expression and purification of enzymatically active recombinant granzyme B in a baculovirus system. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 1998;243:384-9.

Trimble LA, Lieberman J. Circulating CD8 T lymphocytes in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals have impaired function and downmodulate CD3zeta, the signaling chain of the T cell receptor complex. Blood 1998;91:585-94.


Beresford PJ, Kam CM, Powers JC, Lieberman J. Recombinant human granzyme A binds to two putative HLA-associated proteins and cleaves one of them. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1997;94:9285-90.

Lieberman J, Skolnik PR, Parkerson GR III, Fabry JA, Landry B, Bethel J, Kagan J, the DATRI 006 Study Team. Safety of autologous, ex vivo-expanded HIV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte infusion in HIV-infected patients. Blood 1997;90:2196-206.

Lieberman J, Fabry JA, Fong DM, Parkerson GR III. Recognition of a small number of diverse epitopes dominates the cytotoxic T lymphocyte response to HIV type 1 in an infected individual. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1997;13:381-92.


Buchsbaum RJ, Fabry JA, J Lieberman J. EBV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes protect against human EBV-associated lymphoma in scid mice. Immunol Lett 1996;52:145-52.

Shankar P, Fabry JA, Fong DM, Lieberman J. Three regions of HIV-1 gp160 contain clusters of immunodominant CTL epitopes. Immunol Lett 1996;52:23-30.

Decker LL, Shankar P, Khan G, Freeman RB, Dezube BJ, Lieberman J, Thorley-Lawson DA. The Kaposi Sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus (KSHV) is present as an intact latent genome in KS tissue but replicates in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of KS patients. J Exp Med 1996;184:283-8.

Trimble L, Perales MA, Knazek R, Lieberman J. Serum enhances the ex vivo generation of HIV-specific cytotoxic T cells. Biotech Bioeng 1996;50:521-8.

Perales MA, Skolnik PR, Lieberman J. Effect of Interleukin 12 on in vitro HIV type 1 replication depends on clinical stage. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1996;12:659-68.

Roberts CG, Meister GE, Jesdale BM, Lieberman J, Berzofsky JA, DeGroot AS. Prediction of HIV peptide epitopes by a novel algorithm. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1996;12:593-610. 


Frankel FR, Hegde S, Lieberman J, Paterson Y. Induction of cell-mediated immune responses to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Gag protein using Listeria monocytogenes as a live vaccine vector. J Immunol 1995;155:4775-82. 

Perales MA, Schwartz DH, Fabry JA, Lieberman J. A Vaccinia-gp160-based vaccine but not a gp160 protein vaccine elicits anti-gp160 cytotoxic T lymphocytes in some HIV-1 seronegative vaccinees. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 1995;10:27-35.

Srinivas RV, Su T, Trimble LA, Lieberman J, Ardman B. Enhanced susceptibility to human immunodeficiency virus infection in CD4+ T lymphocytes genetically deficient in CD43. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1995;11:1015-21.

McFarland TA, Ardman B, Manjunath N, Fabry JA, Lieberman J. CD43 diminishes susceptibility to T lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis. J Immunol 1995;154:1097-104. 

Lieberman J, Fabry JA, Shankar P, Beckett L, Skolnik PR. Ex vivo expansion of HIV type-1 specific cytotoxic T cells from HIV type-1 seropositive subjects. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1995;11:257-71.

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